Here at Happi, we talk about this concept a lot. What does happiness truly mean? And how to harness more joy even if many days it feels elusive. We run a brand called Happi, after all.
Life can get busy, and trying to find happiness in the midst of all the chaos can feel impossible. But we all have that Happi place. Or that personal moment or experience that immediately elicits a smile. When we feel so comfortable and at ease, joy just comes over us.
My Happi place is in the ocean on my surfboard. When I'm surrounded by the sea, my mind finally relaxes. The feeling of joy and freedom I get from the water, the waves, the salty air just cures everything. And I learned to surf at the ripe young age of 42. So finding this happy place took me a while.
But, I can't surf every day. I wish. So, how can I bring that same joy and peace into my everyday life?
When we started Happi, we began with our brand purpose: To Inspire Occasions of Happiness.
What I didn't realize then was how many joyful occasions our culture already has that involve beverages. There are big, celebratory beverage moments like a wedding toast. And smaller, solitary moments like that first sip of morning coffee you cherish alone while the house is still quiet. Every drink, whether it's tea, hot cocoa, or something bubbly like a Happi, is a chance to pause, be grateful, and find joy in the moment.
So in this spirit, I wanted to share 5 things that are making me feel Happi in February:
A surprise morning rainbow
Watching my boys grow up before my eyes every day
Let Them - I have devoured this book by Mel Robbins along with several of the women on our Happi team. I think a book club may be in the works!
My husband’s new surfboard. He is one of those guys that never buys anything for himself. Ever. So the pure joy on his face when he saw the new surfboard he designed gave me so much happiness!
Glow in a glass. With ice and an orange slice. On a Friday night at home to relax after a long week. Always.
So tell me, what’s making you Happi lately?